Bedbugs can hitch a ride into your home on almost anything but are most commonly spread through stays in infested hotel rooms or bringing in used furniture from a home that has a colony. Even if you take every possible precaution, there’s still a chance you’ll encounter a bedbug problem at some point, and once they find their way in, they can be tricky to remove without professional help.

Fortunately, Hosterman’s Home Services now offers a biological bedbug treatment option that can take care of your infestation problem at the source, ensuring you and your family can sleep soundly without worrying about what’s crawling in your bed frame.

Using the natural biopesticide Aprehend®, we can target any part of your home that shows evidence of an infestation and apply the safe and effective fungal spore treatment in strategic places bedbugs are known to inhabit to maximize results. Once applied, the spores are ready to be picked up by any bugs traveling across a treated surface before being carried back to the nest. The spores are then able to work their way into the bodies of any bedbugs that have come into contact with them, germinating within 20 hours and killing the bug in 4 to 10 days. This process continues each night until all the bedbugs in the colony are eliminated.

Aprehend® is safe for humans and pets, and the odorless treatment is invisible on most surfaces. The long-acting treatment provides protection for up to three months after it’s applied, giving you additional peace of mind once the problem is resolved.

If you think you have a bedbug infestation in your home, contact Hosterman’s Home Services so we can assess your needs and schedule an appointment for treatment. We’re here to help you take your home back and treat bedbugs like the unwanted intruders they are.